PACE Turf - Turfgrass Information Center

Brown ring patch (Waitea) strikes

With springtime's warmer temperatures and rains, cool-season greens in the southern U.S. have be...

Arena and Meridian: How do they stack up?

The recent registration of the new white grub insecticides Arena (clothianidin) and Meridian (thiame...

Avoiding high temperature stress when aerifying

Last week, we provided you with a procedure that will help avoid damage to turf when greens aeration...

PACE Meeting Date

We've had several calls asking about the date for our annual PACE Turfgrass Research Seminar. We hop...

High temperature watch

A little over a month ago, we warned PACE Members about rapid changes in weather conditions as winte...

Springtime pests to watch for

Despite the blizzards and freezing temperatures in many parts of the country, springtime will arrive...

How much can I apply?

We had an interesting question from a PACE member last week that has potentially significant implica...

February, 2007 PACE Highlights

February, 2007 PACE Highlights , printable version (339kB) TOPICS COVERED: INSECTS ...

Bermudagrass scale

No, you aren't hallucinating. Those things that look exactly like small oysters clinging to the ...

Spring dead spot during the winter

Spring dead spot is a difficult disease to manage. The reason is that the pathogen(s) that are assoc...

Trimmit Proxy combinations

QUESTION: What are the advantages and disadvantages of applying Trimmit (paclobutrazole) and Proxy (...

Coot management with a gentle touch

Prior to superintendent Wayne Mills' arrival at La Cumbre Country Club in Santa Barbara, Califor...

Rapid blight presentation

The Arizona Cactus and Pines Golf Course Superintendent's Association sponsored a Rapid Blight S...

Improving your photographic skills

Bottom line: What is the most under-utilized tool on the golf course? We think that your digital cam...

Sand topdressing: a non-controversy

A recent USGA Greensection article by Bob Vavrek, "Quit Fooling Yourself", deals with the practice o...

Freezing weather

Arnold Schwarzenegger, otherwise known as the Governator, recently declared a state of emergency for...

Rapid blight moving fast

Rapid blight picks up steam as the fall approaches -- particularly on poa greens in the southwe...

Algae (cyanobacteria) really are turf diseases

It's been many years since we described the role of algae (cyanobacteria) as a serious disease of gr...

PACE Updates can be used in your newsletters

Just a reminder about one of the benefits of your PACE Updates. As PACE members, you are entitled to...

New PACE Super Journal article posted

At the Crop Science Society Meetings of America, which were held in November, 2006 in Indianapolis, ...

PACE Highlights for November, 2006: Wintertime Turf Management

November, 2006 PACE Highlights, "Wintertime turf management" printable version (500kB) TOPICS COVE...

PACE Highlights for October, 2006

October, 2006 PACE Highlights printable version (274kB) TOPICS COVERED WEEDS ...

PACE Highlights for September, 2006

September, 2006 PACE Highlights printable version (440kB) TOPICS COVERED DISEASE ...

Cold weather diseases to watch for

Click on the name of each pest for more information on biology, identification and management. Click...

Greens firmness management project: new results

In January, 2006, we initiated a a study on greens firmness in cooperation with superintendent David...

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