PACE Turf - Turfgrass Information Center

Crazy patterns in bermuda, kikuyugrass, and zoysia

This interesting photo illustrates the deposition of frost on the foilage of zoysiagr...

Preventive practices for fall

As you plan management activities such as aeration, topdressing and leaching for this fall, keep in ...

More frost damage

There is no one-size-fits-all way to determine if your turf is going to suffer traffic damage when t...

You say phosphite, I say phosphate…does it matter?

Yes, it most certainly does matter. Products based on phosphite (also known as phosphonate or phosph...

Black layer prevention: an important fall management practice

In a GCSAA Webinar titled "Redox Potential and the Black Layer", Dr. Lee Berndt reviewed the cause o...

Five things to look for on a soil test chart

Here are five things that I like to see when I look at soil test results. This annotated chart in th...

Winter time brown patch threat

Winter hasn't arrived yet, but be prepared for diseases that are historically active at your sit...

Four ways to determine a sand topdressing requirement

Here are four ways to figure out approximately how much sand should be applied as topdressing to gol...

P fertilizer recommendations: there’s a big difference between methods

There are four steps to a soil test. First is sampling, then laboratory analysis, then interpretatio...

MLSN Newsletter

If you are now using the MLSN (Miminum Levels for Sustainable Nutrition) soil guidelines, plan on us...

Photo of the week: Pythium and overseeding

Fall is overseeding time, and that means that Fall is also Pythium time. This photo is from La Quint...

Fall prevention of spring dead spot

Spring dead spot is a difficult disease to manage. The reason is that the pathogen (Ophiosphaerella,...

Fall management guidance

Fall finally arrived in the Northern Hemisphere on September 23, 2022, and with it, the end of the m...

Leaf tip burn after a typhoon

There must have been a lot of salt in the air when a typhoon passed over Itoshima in western Japan. ...

How fast is foliar-applied nitrogen absorbed?

Nitrogen is applied as a foliar treatment on many putting greens, but just how efficiently, and just...

Overseeding Guidelines

In transition environments, fall overseeding and spring transition are always difficult times. If th...

Dried soil is a time capsule

I recommend air drying soils. This creates a soil that is frozen in time. If soils are not dried, or...

Air dry soil samples for more accurate results

When you collect a soil sample, do you dry it before sending it to the lab? If you do, that's th...

Winter Turf project

The Winter Turf Project is going into its second season. I'd heard about this but didn't rea...

Saturated paste extracts, and why we rarely use them

We frequently get questions about the use of saturated paste extract analytical tests (also sometime...

Video: Algae, blue green bacteria, cyanobacteria and yellow spot

"Algae disorders of turfgrass" is a general term that describes a wide range of symptoms from yellow...

Why poa is the 1st to fail in the heat

Mixed stands of poa and ryegrass are common in fairways and roughs. Also common, quite unfortunately...

Tools for measuring putting green performance

I (Micah) made this short video, only 1 minute in duration. showing the tools I use to measure surfa...

Phosphorus reference guide

This one page soil phosphorus fact sheet has information about P deficiencies, different soil test e...

Mehlich 3 or Olsen extractants for P at soil pH above 7?

Questions sometime come up about specific extraction methods for soil phosphorus (P). In general, th...

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