PACE Turf - Turfgrass Information Center

Evaluation of ProStar and ProStar Plus for Control of Fairy Ring on Golf Course

Summary: Both ProStar (6 oz/1000 square feet) and ProStar Plus (7.5 oz/1000 square feet) provided good to excellent curative control of fairy ring caused by Agrocybe pediades on a bentgrass green. A thirty day application interval resulted in control equal to that with a 15 day application interval. The addition of Bayleton to ProStar, in the form of ProStar Plus, did not improve the control offered by ProStar alone. In addition, ProStar Plus caused some reduction in turf quality. Applications were not followed by irrigation, a factor which may have aided in control.

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Principal Investigators: Wendy Gelernter, Ph.D. and Larry J. Stowell, Ph.D., CPAg

Cooperator: David Major, Del Mar Country Club

Sponsor:  Dale Comer, AgrEvo

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