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Poa seedhead control

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Photo provided by Galen Evans, 13 year member of the GCSAA and superintendent at Laytonsville Golf Course in Gaithersburg, MD.

All applications were made in 2 gal/1000 sq ft using 110-10 air induction nozzles. Rates are per 1000 sq ft.
1st application 12/4/2017
     Oskie (27% ethephon) 3.33 oz, 8 oz Civitas
2nd application 3/29/2018, 340 GDD0C
     Oskie 3.3 oz, 2.0 oz Lesco Iron
3rd application 4/18/2018, 537 GDD0C
     Oskie 3.3 oz, Primo 0.125 oz, Lesco Iron 2 oz, Strobe
     (50% azoxystrobin) 0.407 oz,  N (21-0-0) 0.07 lb

Cultural Practices, Turf Weeds

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